Deaf Online University
Deaf Online University

Contact Us

Deaf Online University

386 Barrington Ct

Irondale, AL 35210


Phone: 205 936-6279


Or use our contact form.

Our Community

Meet Our People

We are a friendly group. Our humble leaders have been volunteering in their communities for many years, and they bring with them the ability to lead, to inspire and to care for the needy without condescension or hidden agendas.


With over 100 years of volunteer experience among them, our leaders provide Deaf Online University with the inspiration and direction to keep it going and growing.

Sharon R. Berry, Ph.D



Bio:  Dr. Berry has championed deaf people and their needs throughout her life.  She was a child of deaf parents and with this unique insight and passion has sought to mind the gaps others face both inside and outside the community. She founded Deaf Online University to increase access to education for those in the immediate and global communities. She passsed to be with the Lord June 1, 2021.

Cherybe Thornton



Bio: Cherybe works engergetically in the deaf community to honor God and her deaf parents. She brings business savvy and varied personal experience to support everyone she meets. She is lead instructor for ASL courses and continuously participates in interpreting projects. Her warm, cheery manner sets a great example for us all as we take care of each other.

Sherry Berry

E-learning Specialist


Bio: Sherry has a heart for serving and loving others. She has studied technology and design specifically to further educational services for the deaf community. Deaf Online University, its goals and growth, are her career priorities.

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